Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Y is it that every time i get on FB
I always see these fashion ads..
like "Start your fashion career today"
type ish lol. But its not only on Fb its like everywhere or
somethin.. man DANG IT it has to be my calling or something
PPL are always associating me with fashion in some way
either they ask me if i model
or if im a designer
or if im going to school for design
gosh... what to do/think


Sandra G. said...

I ask myself these things consently as well... only time will tell. But until the time tells.... Keep Grindin'!

Sandra G. said...


r[o]n said...

keep it up! it'll come out of no where. and it just might be your calling.
honestly, i dont know what mine is lol

Bryan B said...

yeah just keep grindin and it might hit you right in da face. maybe it is your calling you never know.

Eb the Celeb said...

do it girl... follow your heart!